2019-07-14 - French River Trail Run

^z 30th April 2023 at 10:07am

~6.4 mi @ ~20.1 min/mi

"I haven't swallowed any yet!" - "One flew into my mouth, but I got it out quick!" Two young ladies comment on bugs in the woods today at the XTERRA French River trail run in Oxford Massachusetts, as they pass Drs Mary and Roadkill.

The course meanders up and down steep rocky hills in the US Army Corps of Engineers property at Hodges Village Dam. Recent dry weather leaves the French River crossing only ankle deep; muddy bogs are hardly noticeable.

"Hello Kitty!" A small shrine to Roadkill's power animal decorates an ancient tree stump. Other discoveries along the course include a graffiti-rich skateboard park and a Boy-Scout-built floating boardwalk.

Volunteers, race officials, and fellow competitors are ultra-friendly. We take an impromptu 10k option rather than the half marathon originally planned.

The goals of today's run? Visit dear Dr Mary, spend time together, work on our fitness (physical, mental, spiritual), atone for past sins, and prepare for more good times together. Mission Accomplished!

(French River crossing photos by Mike Luchini Photography - trackfile) - ^z - 2019-08-04